[管理] [举报]
- 类 别:个人传记
- 作 者:佚名
- 管 理 员:
- 全文长度:6246字
- 最后更新:2009-12-18
- 文章状态:已完成
- 授权级别:暂未授权
- 首发状态:他站首发
- 总点击数:2811
- 本月点击:2
- 本周点击:4
- 收 藏 数:1
- 总推荐数:0
- 本月推荐:0
- 本周推荐:0
Died: June 3, 1879, Caswall Bay, near Swansea, Wales.
Buried: Astley, Worcestershire, England, the city of her birth. On her tombstone was the Scripture verse she claimed as her own: “The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).